Building Your StartupResearchThe Real Deal January 2, 2020 Pricing APIs – Top Two Approaches Founders, how do you price your API? Here are two approaches and more background to… Lisa Calhoun
Building Your StartupThe Real Deal December 18, 2019 Mastering Investor Updates Use this practical roadmap to more effective investor updates in the least time. It'll help… Lisa Calhoun
Innovation CouncilUncategorized December 6, 2019 Serving on Private Company Boards If you're looking to serve on private company boards, here's a quick primer to set… Lisa Calhoun
Building Your StartupInclusionThe Real Deal December 2, 2019 Building Your Private Company Board Startups scale at the speed of the founder's learning and growth. Nothing will impact your… Lisa Calhoun
Building Your StartupStartup RunwayThe Real Deal November 26, 2019 VC Questions You Can Expect Raising Startup Capital When you're raising money for your first institutional round (series seed), questions VCs ask go… Lisa Calhoun
InclusionThe Real Deal November 24, 2019 Why Smart Investors and Founders Use the “Inclusion Premium” Inclusion is one of the risk factors controllable by investors--especially in venture capital. Now's the… Lisa Calhoun
Building Your StartupInclusionThe Real Deal October 4, 2019 How Valor Invests and Our Venture Capital Diligence Process Here are highlights from Valor’s venture capital diligence process. We are sharing this because we… Lisa Calhoun
ResearchThe Real Deal September 19, 2019 3 Forces Pressurizing Venture Capital Venture capital value creation is shifting from where it has resided historically, with Series A… Lisa Calhoun
The Real Deal September 19, 2019 New Places Compete for Venture Capital’s New HQ States like Maryland, Georgia and Arizona are outpacing California in the acceleration of seed capital… Lisa Calhoun
InclusionThe Real DealUncategorized September 19, 2019 New Faces Drive Innovation The vacuum in first institutional rounds is unsustainable for our financial markets. All three of… Lisa Calhoun