April 12, 2016
How to say “no” to noise in your marketing
You're trying to scale, but it's hard to know what's contributing to growth and what's…
April 11, 2016
Keep Your Eyes On These 10 Venture Capital Trends
The majority of entrepreneurs today are minorities. Corporations are in 1 of 5 venture capital…
April 11, 2016
10 Trends Shaping Software Sales Every Startup Needs to Know
Are you designing a sales program for the near future--or stuck trying to implement sales…
April 11, 2016
3 Negotiating Tips Straight from Stanford
You don't get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate. Become the best possible…
April 6, 2016
Why Amazon Is One of the World’s Leading Feminist Forces
Nature abhors a vacuum—and as women move into the world, there’s a bit of sucking…
April 6, 2016
This is the one thing that drives venture capital
This is the most likely reason your startup will see an exit.
April 6, 2016
Is the best venture capital local?
Is the best venture capital local, or is venture becoming more of a national startup…
January 1, 2016
Nov 3: Atlanta Startup Runway
Meet the top 10% of minority led tech startups in the Southeast this afternoon of…