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FundingU’s mission is to ensure responsible students who work for success can finish college and use their degree in a great paying job–students like the underdog engineer who lifeguards every summer; the upstart nurse who is one semester away from earning her degree; the unknown business major who tutors math to make ends meet. The company leverages a proprietary, machine-learning-informed algorithm to predict great loans in the $100 trillion U.S. student loan market.

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Funding U

FundingU’s mission is to ensure responsible students who work for success can finish college and use their degree in a great paying job--students like the underdog engineer who lifeguards every summer; the upstart nurse who is one semester away from earning her degree; the unknown business major who tutors math to make ends meet. The company leverages a proprietary, machine-learning-informed algorithm to predict great loans in the $100 trillion U.S. student loan market.

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Atlanta, GA