Our Approach

We believe the trillion-dollar-market cap companies of tomorrow are being built today by bold founders who look like all of America.

Our mission is simple: back the best companies inventing the future and become the founders’ most trusted relationship, by investing not just in the business plan but also in their inspiration to build a better world. We measure our performance by exceptional returns and the impact we have creating new wealth.

Our Principles

Courage and capital

From founders to funders, Valor is an orchestra of courage and capital. We celebrate the potential of co-creating a better innovation ecosystem in service to now and future generations. Since our founding, Valor has selectively partnered with limited partners (LPs) who lead organizations committed to creating better opportunities for all. Most of our LPs do this through their missions as foundations, university endowments and philanthropically minded family offices. Valor LPs have the networks and influence to contribute to the success of our portfolio through introductions, connections, talent and insights. The companies we back have the networks and influence to forward the frontier of innovation for all.


“Valor is one of my go-to calls. I’ve got much larger investors, but Valor is one  I reach out to often, even at this stage of growth, for perspective on anything we’re up against.”

Our experience

Valor’s team experience spans 50+ seed deals in the South, over half together at Valor. Many result in wealth-generating exits. We leverage more successful experience at the first professional round than any other seed VC in our region. In addition to our team of experts, we leverage a AI-augmented platform, Vic, that helps our people review dozens of opportunities every week. Learn more about Vic.

Why the South?

This region is poised to deliver exceptional returns for early stage investors because of economic fundamentals:

  1. Greatest density of Fortune 500 headquarters (customers)
  2. Largest single population (40% of the US calls the South home)
  3. Clear leadership at seed (compelling 1 in 3 seed rounds across the country)

Learn more about our economic research by reviewing recent reports.


“Valor saw our vision from the beginning, and they’ve been a relentless champion. Investors that believe in you this much are priceless.”

Catalyzing innovation

Relentlessly solving for the strongest founders

There are structural inequities that make it harder for minority and women entrepreneurs to meet quality investors in the early days. Making sure we see the entire waterfront of quality dealflow, Valor founded the Startup Runway Foundation, a 501(c) 3, to provide investor introductions  for underrepresented founders.

With partnerships from leading organizations including Cox, NCR Foundation, Georgia Power, American Family Institute, the State of Georgia Partnership for Inclusive Innovation, Truist, and others, Valor’s Startup Runway is the largest pitch event for women and minority founders in the country. Finalists in the program have raised over $100 million.

Creating equitable, sustainable wealth

Start-ups are the #1 driver of new wealth in the U.S

Historically, venture capital has been a “closed-loop” —  primarily white-male-led VCs investing primarily in white-male-led startups. With America’s demographic shift to minority-majority as a nation, this is evolving. Valor is leading the change.  Our Inclusion Premium investing approach optimizes opportunities for creating equitable new wealth while also minimizing many of the risks in scaling fast-growth startups.

Sofie Abdulrazaaq, GOODFYND

“Valor is the best kind of investor. I tell founders I hit the jackpot with my initial investors.”